The Technical Educational Program will be implemented both via webinar and on-site during the Study Tour. They will provide the basic and advanced contents that should support the training for personnel that will work at the Competence Centers.

Technical Educational Program via webinar  

MOBILE PROGRAMMING 1  TYPE A (basic) About 10hrs
Creating mobile web apps
Sample development using: HTML5-Javascript, PHP; translation to native code via Cordova
Class: We will explain the different components (HTML5-Javascript, PHP) and how they must be defined and applied referring to a sample application. We will explain how the Cordova framework permits to convert the web code into native Android or iOS code. We will explain contexts and limits of application of this approach
Home work: Students are requested to complete the sample application and submit the home work for review.

 COMPUTER VISION 1 TYPE B (advanced) About 10hrs
Creating computer vision recognition applications
OPENCV Framework, Lib SVM and CNN Frameworks; SIFT detector and descriptors; CNN models and descriptors; SVM Classifiers, CNN detectors and classifiers. Sample application development.
Class: We will provide fundamentals of Computer Vision as to local descriptors and global CNN-based descriptors. We will provide fundamentals of classification engines.
Home work: We will provide a skeleton of a sample computer vision application. Students are requested to complete the sample application and submit the home work for review.

 MOBILE PROGRAMMING  2  TYPE B (advanced) About 10hrs
Creating mobile native Android apps
Sample development using: Native code in Android via Android Studio; Android API; JNI Java Native Interface; bridging Open CV using JNI.
Class: We will explain how an Android native application can be developed using Android Studio IDE referring to a sample application. We will explain the Android API. We will explain JNI to connect OpenCV Computer Vision modules or other external libraries.
Home work: We will provide a skeleton of a sample native application. Students are requested to complete the sample application and submit the home work for review.

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